These fluid-filled fruits are packed with Vitamins A, B6 and C and potassium. These nutrients prevent your eyesight from deteriorating and boost your immunity s.
Guavas don’t allow your blood sugar levels to spike and drop. If you are diabetic (or even if your sugar levels are fine), you can eat this fruit without worrying about the dangerous consequences of excess sugar.
This fruit is chock-a-block with nutrients such as Vitamins A, C, foliates and phytochemicals. It improves gastrointestinal health, fights indigestion and prevents bloating.
For a lot of people, summers are synonymous with mangoes – the king of fruits. Not only are they extremely appetizing, but they also pack in a ton of goodness.
This aromatic fruit is an old summer favourite. It is loaded with Vitamin A which bolsters immunity and reduces inflammation