One of the best ways to ensure optimal functioning of the thyroid gland is through the food we eat. Now we take a look at the best foods to consume in order to fight thyroid.
The humble curd finds its place in the sun as it is one of the best foods for the thyroid gland. Dairy products, mainly yoghurt, are very nutritious and help to fulfil the iodine requirements of the body.
Nuts and Seeds
Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and nuts are rich sources of zinc. Low levels of Zinc have been associated with thyroid problems. Add to the salads or munch on these as snacks to replenish your body with zinc.
Pears and citrus fruits are abundant with pectins, which help with detoxifying the body of mercury – one of the most critical metals that have been connected to thyroid problems.
Legumes are rich, not just in Zinc but fibre as well. These help to regulate the digestive system, especially the bowel movement and prevent constipation.
Avocado is almost the wonder food of modern nutrition. Packed with antioxidants, good fats, fibre and essential nutrients, avocado is a must for those who have an imbalanced functioning thyroid